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Referral Marketing Strategies

Looking into referral marketing? You’ve come to the right place. We put together the best strategies based on what we’ve learned through years of running successful referral programs.

Referral programs are the most recommended marketing strategy.

They’re described as “a standout winner that can’t be touched by any other method” by Forbes, and “the second highest source of quality leads” by Social Media Today.

As a form of word of mouth, referral marketing makes it easier and more rewarding for people to share your brand. It can be a customer, an employee, or a partner – whenever a referral ends in a sale, there’s a reward for their effort.

Maybe you’re starting your very first referral program. Or you’re looking for ways to improve your current campaign. No matter where you are in the process, our referral marketing resources have you covered.

brand affinity

Do you need a referral program?

Not every business needs a referral program. We round up some must-read articles that help you decide if your business would benefit from one.

brand ambassador contract

Get started with referral marketing

Interested in trying out a referral program for your business? This section has everything you need to know about getting started, from how one works to the many referral program types.


Referral rewards and incentives

The right reward and incentive is critical to your referral program. What do you offer and how do you offer it? We share all the answers below.

brand ambassador software

Referral program promotion

For a referral program to be successful, customers have to know about it. Learn how to spread the word about your referral program with the right messaging and promotion.

b2b sales strategy

Referral software and tracking

Find out if automating your referral program with referral marketing software is the right approach for your business, and compare the different referral software services.

measure brand awareness

Advanced referral marketing tactics and tips

Sometimes, you need a little inspiration to create a great referral program. These referral program examples, best practices, and ideas should get the creative juices flowing. Gamify your program, pair your program with social media, and steal secrets from the pros.

benefits of referral programs

Troubleshooting your referral program

Referral campaigns aren't always smooth sailing. Learn what factors to look at and possible reasons why referral programs fail.


Employee referral programs

Referral programs aren’t just for mobilizing your happy customers. You can also start an employee referral program and encourage employees to recommend your products and services. We’ve got everything you need to start an employee referral program.

employee advocacy

Bonus: Referral programs for your industry

As long as you’ve got the essentials in place, almost all industries can benefit from referral programs. Check out the guide that fits your needs and find referral program tips and strategies tailored for your industry.