Author: Jessica Huhn

brand extensions

Using Brand Extensions to Grow Your Business

If you’re looking for a great way to grow your company, it might be time to focus on extending your brand. Today, you’ll learn what a brand extension is, as well as its advantages and risks. We’ll also show you good and bad examples of company brand extensions.

growth team

What Is a Growth Team? How Do I Build One?

What is a growth team, and what are the roles of the people on it? What tasks do growth teams complete, and how is their success measured? We’ll answer all these questions and more in this section of our growth marketing guide.

growth marketing strategies

13 Growth Marketing Strategies for Your Business Success

Sustaining growth is key to making sure your business stays around for the long haul. If you want your business to thrive for years to come, you’ll need to select the right growth marketing strategies. Today, we’ll break down 12 growth marketing strategies you can use to sustain your business. 

brand affinity

How to Create Brand Affinity

Loyal customer relationships become even stronger when your company focuses on building brand affinity. To stand out from the competition, it’s time to learn more about brand affinity and how to build it with your customers.

customer retention strategies

15 Customer Retention Strategies for Long-Term Growth

In a nutshell, retention is growth. But even retaining customers is an art. What are the best ways to convince customers to stick with you? This article reveals 15 of the top customer retention strategies for your business.

viral growth

9 Steps to Create Viral Growth for Your Business

Viral growth has become something of a holy grail for online businesses. Who can turn down the allure of a growing user base and tons of positive buzz? It may seem like viral growth happens by chance, but fortunately, that’s not the case. We bring you nine actionable steps to increase your business’ chances for viral growth. 

viral loops

What Is a Viral Loop? Advantages and Examples

Contrary to popular belief, going viral isn’t all just luck. It’s something you can plan for, build, and integrate into your current workflow, using a growth engine known as a viral loop. Today, we’ll cover what a viral loop is and the best practices for building one.

Pirate metrics AAARR

What Are Pirate Metrics and Why Are They Important?

Starting a business is hard, but sustaining the growth of a business is even harder. Fortunately, pirate metrics can help. We discuss exactly how to grow your business using pirate metrics, also referred to as AARRR metrics.