Do you want to start a successful brand ambassador program – or do you already have a program that needs a little sprucing up? An important part of finding the right ambassadors is having the knowledge to pick them out. But how can you sift through potential ambassadors to decide who would be a perfect fit? A brand ambassador application, of course.

With an application, you’ll gain valuable knowledge on potential brand reps, and get insights into why they want to be a part of your brand’s success. This is your opportunity to sift through potential ambassadors, just as you would any potential employee. 

Let’s discuss key components of a well-rounded brand ambassador application. Plus, our template and 9 examples will inspire you as you create your own application for your ambassador marketing campaign. 

What is a brand ambassador?

Brand ambassadors help to promote a company and its products or services, and increase brand awareness. Typically, brand ambassadors are asked to participate in word-of-mouth marketing efforts such as representing you at events, creating content, talking to potential customers, and more.

A brand ambassador is someone who loves your brand and agrees to promote it in the long term (unlike influencers who generally only represent a brand for a short time). Though an ambassador is usually paid for promoting a brand, they are not necessarily an employee. But, most ambassadors are screened and recruited before representing your brand, sort of like employees are.

These people help to promote you in a variety of ways (online, offline, or both). They could promote you online, through social media accounts, their blog, and even through other websites. Or, they could represent you offline, like at an event or through casual conversation. 

While promoting you, they are building relationships with your target audience. In doing so, they are authentically showing how they use your product in real life to friends, family, and anyone who may follow their social media profiles.

What is a brand ambassador application?

A brand ambassador application is the form where people apply to be a brand ambassador, just as someone would apply to a job. 

A brand ambassador application collects information from individuals who are interested in becoming a brand ambassador for a company. The application is used to gather information about the candidate’s experience and qualifications, as well as to provide an opportunity for the candidate to describe why they may be the best fit for the role.

An ambassador application is likely on a page of its own, and not among your current job listings. You may have seen websites with a page dedicated to a company’s ambassador program. The ambassador application is typically found linked or embedded on this page. 

It’s important to note that this application is different from the brand ambassador job description.

The key differences being: 

  • It’s usually its own page. The application is usually on a separate page that the job description page links out to 
  • Or, it’s in its own section. If both are on the same page, the application follows the job description as its own brand ambassador form.

A brand ambassador application should be used in any brand ambassador program. Even if you’re directly searching through social media or through your customer base for ambassadors, you should still create an application. This not only looks professional, but it can help you determine if potential ambassadors are actually a good fit.  

Why do you need a brand ambassador application?

Having an actual application has its benefits. It will sift out anyone who isn’t truly serious about promoting you. If someone is willing to take the time to fill out an application, then their motivations are probably genuine, and they aren’t there just to make a quick buck.

But there are a whole host of other reasons:

  • Lets the ambassadors come to you. You may want to let new ambassadors just come to you, rather than putting in the effort to seek them out. Likely, only those who are happy with your product, values, and brand will apply.
  • Allows you to pre-screen ambassadors. This is probably one of the most important reasons for requiring an application. You’ll have the opportunity to learn more about them to make sure they’re a good fit.
  • Shows professionalism. When you have a formal program in place, it just looks better. You look professional, and it helps back up requirements and expectations for representing ambassadors.
  • Increases the visibility of your program. You can add the link to your application practically anywhere. Try giving it a spot on your website, adding it to your social media descriptions, making it a recurring scheduled post, and even adding it to your email signature for constant promotion and increased visibility.
  • Keeps information organized. An ambassador application helps you collect and keep all the information needed about a prospective ambassador in one place. This way you’re not searching through emails or DMs trying to find bits of information.

Sample brand ambassador application form template

There are a few items that your application should always cover. But, you can really personalize this to your exact needs or add on more specific questions related to your brand and ambassador program. 

The point is to figure out who the applicants are and how they may benefit you and your program. So along with basic contact information, you will have to add some questions relating to their interest in your brand.

This brand ambassador application template covers all of the pertinent information needed for finding the perfect ambassador. 

sample brand ambassador application form template


How to make a brand ambassador application?

There are numerous ways to go about actually making the application. In the simplest way, you could easily create an old school document to email potential ambassadors after they express interest in the program. 

But, there are other ways that may help you keep things more organized and seamless. 

  • Use an ambassador software. There is a lot of software out there to help you with any pain point you may be facing. Brand ambassador software happens to be one of them. This type of software will automate many of the processes within your program, but will also allow you to create and manage applications.
  • Try a form creator. If you aren’t wanting to go full software, you can create a professional looking brand ambassador form template to use for submissions. For example, you can use a form creator like Typeform or Google Forms. (You can use the information later to create accounts for the ambassadors you accept with brand ambassador software).

Either way, the application needs to include several essential fields to help you screen ambassadors. 

The following are sections of form fields that should be included in a brand ambassador application.

Application introduction

Your introduction should provide a brief description of the brand ambassador position, responsibilities, and what you’re looking for in an ambassador. You can hit the main points you may have mentioned in your job description. 

This is also the perfect opportunity to relist the perks of being a brand ambassador in brief. Listing out incentives – like discount codes, gift cards, free products, sneak peeks at new products, or exclusive offers and giveaways for ambassadors’ followers – can help convince good-fit potential ambassadors to fill out the form.

  • Keep it short. Ideally, your longer brand ambassador job description should be linked to this application, or it should have brought them to the application. But, you should still have a short description so applicants remember who/what they’re applying to, the criteria, and why they should apply.
  • You may be able to skip this altogether. However, if the application is on the same page as the job description, you’ve covered this already and do not need to reiterate.

An introduction is nice to have, but you’ll only have to use it if your application is its own separate page.

Contact information 

This one should be obvious – you’ll want to know how to reach the person who is applying. 


brand ambassador application contact


You’ll need the basics, including:

  • Applicant’s name. This one is usually required, as you’ll need to tie a name to their information.
  • Email address. Many people choose to use email as their main form of communication. So this one is also vital, in fact you may prefer this over their phone number (at least initially). 
  • Home address. For tax purposes, you will likely need to have their address on file. Plus, if you are mailing them supplies, gifts, swag, etc. you’ll need this on hand. But, you can also choose to not get this information right off the bat, and may need to only ask for it if you move forward with the applicant.
  • Phone number. This is another one that can be optional. Perhaps you choose to email first after reviewing information and then schedule a call if you plan to move forward with someone.

These four items cover the very basics and will allow you to easily get back in touch. 


This may not be necessary. But, you may want to ask more specific demographics. Your program, product, or brand may be very niche, and you may want to weed out those who do not necessarily fit best. 


brand ambassador application demographics


Some common demographics asked are: location, occupation, age, gender, student status, and even marital status.

Unlike a job application, an ambassador application may not need to ask these at all. However,  depending on your unique requirements, you may choose to use some of them as an added filter. 

Links to their channels

If you’re seeking social media-focused ambassadors, ask for links to their social profiles. Or, if you’re seeking bloggers and other long-form creators, ask for a link to their blog or website. Either way, you’ll want these links, as they can provide you with vital information and allow you to see the ambassador in their own environment.

bumble social profile question

This information can help you accomplish two things. 

  • You can see their potential reach. This will let you verify their reach (number of followers or amount of traffic) and engagement (how often their audience comments on their content).
  • You will see if they align with your brand. It will also let you ensure that the style and tone of their content aligns with your brand, and that they align with your mission and values.

You may require someone to have a certain amount of followers. This is great, as it can help you bypass those who do not meet your requirements. But, their follower count does not matter if they aren’t in alignment with your brand. Being able to check brand alignment and audience engagement is very important. 

Interest question

Ambassador questions and applications are typically very brief and relatively easy. But if you’re only looking for their contact information and social media links, you may pass up someone who truly loves your brand or aligns perfectly within your niche.


brand ambassador interest question


This is why it’s helpful to ask, ‘why.’ What does this person hope to get out of this ambassadorship? By asking them why they are interested in becoming a brand ambassador, you can filter out anyone who isn’t genuinely interested. Understanding the ‘why’ is essential for choosing the right ambassadors. 

Brand love question

Not only do you want to know why they are interested, but you should also figure out why they love your brand in the first place. 


brand ambassador application love question


Many brands ask a variation of “Why do you love [brand]?” or “What is your favorite thing about [products]?” This simple single question can help you make sure you’re recruiting true fans and enthusiastic brand champions

You really don’t have to overdo it with these types of questions – asking just one brand love question can give you enough insight on a potential ambassador. 

Experience questions

Another type of question should revolve around their experience. It’s fine to take on newbies, but, if they have past experience doing this type of work, it can be beneficial to know.

But it could extend to more than just past ambassador experience. You could ask more broad scope questions regarding general content creation, too.  

Here are some things to think about when creating questions related to experience.

  • Ask if they’re creating online content. You can ask about their experience as a content creator, and if they made any content for specific brands.
  • Ask if they’ve served as ambassadors offline as well. Ambassadors aren’t strictly online only. Some actually do their best work at events and pop-ups. You can ask about their experience and willingness in planning events and/or attending events. 
  • Ask if they have past ambassador experience. For all ambassadors, it may also be helpful to know if they’ve had any previous ambassador experience.

This section may be a little more in depth than your other open ended questions, but if they have created content or done ambassador marketing campaigns before, they will likely have a lot to say. 

Skills question

Similarly, you can ask about their skills. You can create a list for them to check based on conditions you are specifically looking for, or ask it open-endedly. 

tiktok skills ambassador question

You can choose to ask this either way:

  • What are your top 3 skills? Ask what their top 3 skills are that would make them a stellar ambassador for your brand. You can even have them elaborate on each.
  • What skills do you possess from this list? Set out a list of skills that align with what you’re looking for, and ask ambassadors to select and elaborate on their greatest skills from the list. You can create a cap to this question. For example, you may list out 10 skills, and have them choose their top 3 skills or just even their best skill. 

Either way, you’ll learn a lot about the ambassador.

Promotional plan question

Another great question to ask is how they plan on promoting your brand. You may find some really creative and unique ideas that can expand your brand into new pools of people. 


brand ambassador promotion question


The benefit of this is it also gives you a preview of their promotional style before you recruit them. If you aren’t impressed by their initial idea, or if they haven’t offered a creative or useful idea, perhaps they may not fit what you’re looking for. 

Therefore, it’s important to ask how they would promote your brand and products if selected.

Other questions

In addition to the questions mentioned already, you may want to dig a bit deeper and ask a few unique questions. 

These are optional and will depend on your brand’s needs, but may include:

  • See how they describe themselves: A personality question, such as what makes them unique, three words peers would use to describe them, or what makes them stand out. All of which can help you get a stronger idea about whether the ambassador aligns with your brand.
  • Ask if they have similar values: You can ask how they live out your brand’s values. If you’re an all natural and holistic brand, you likely want someone who lives their life similarly – do your values align with one another?
  • Think about student ambassadors: Ask some specifics about activities and leadership roles on campus, if you’re looking for student ambassadors.
  • Take note when they are available: A simple question you may want to consider is when would they be available to start. This is especially important if any offline roles are involved. To add to this, you could also ask how much time they are willing to put towards the ambassadorship. 
  • Include something visual or fun: Ask them to provide a single photo that either reflects the ambassador’s personality or your brand style. You’re likely asking for their personal social channels to see all their photos, but asking them to single out something specific is another way to see how well they understand/align with your brand.

All the questions above are optional. If you do choose to use them, you do not have to use them all. By adding just one or two you can learn even more about a potential ambassador’s personality and how they may work with you.

Brand ambassador application tips

Now that you know what to include on your brand ambassador applications, let’s cover some best practices. 

  • Ask questions, but keep it light. Ask for all the information you need to screen ambassadors, but don’t include too many form fields (so the application is not overwhelming)
    • If including a lot of fields, consider a survey form with one question on each page, or a form where applicants can log in and come back to.
  • Keep your application to itself. Don’t include any links to other website pages within your application. Your application should not do anything but allow you to get to know your applicant.
    • You really don’t want prospective ambassadors to bounce around and forget about continuing the application – or struggle to find it again. 
  • Promotion is key. Promote your application on your social media channels and in your email newsletters, as well as on a dedicated page of your website (where the ambassador job description lives). If you want people to apply, they have to know about it.
    • Additionally, you can also have current ambassadors promote the application to their audience!
  • Don’t forget to optimize. Optimize the application page (or the job description page that links to the application) for keywords like “[your niche] brand ambassador. That way, prospective ambassadors can easily find the application via search. This key detail can potentially make or break you.  
  • Share an application link directly. If you’re looking for ambassadors directly on social media, or reaching out to customers who would make great ambassadors, send them a direct link to your application. You may find someone who would make the perfect ambassador – but they may not even know about you or your program.  
  • Keep open-ended questions for later use. You might choose to leave out some of the suggested long-form questions on the application, and then ask those questions via Zoom or in a meeting instead.

Treat this just like any other page on your site or blog. If you are wanting to get this in front of people, you need to optimize, share, and promote it so you can find your brand ambassadors.

Brand ambassador application examples

There are many ambassador programs out there, so you should be able to find some inspiration easily. But, we’ve compiled a list to showcase a few great ambassador program applications so you can see the questions and form fields mentioned above in action. 


Bumble has a notable Honey ambassador program for college students. Specifically, aimed for helping women spread the word about equitable relationships in all aspects of life. Their ambassador application changes with each semester, but typically uses the same standard questions. 

bumble brand ambassador application

They ask all of the main contact and demographic questions, but they take this opportunity to dig deeper and really get to know the applicant as well. They ask a ton of questions relating to the potential position, past experience, and their willingness to post on social media along with asking if they have the time to commit. 

What’s done well: They ask if the applicant has used any of their other products or apps, and give the applicant options to choose from. In fact, the majority of questions on this application are multiple choice. Making it a breeze for a potential candidate.

What should they improve: Each question is asked individually. So when it gets to sharing links to the applicant platforms, it seems almost too repetitive. What is your Instagram follower count, what is your direct link on Instagram? What is your LinkedIn follower count? What is your direct link on LinkedIn? All of these questions are asked separately, instead they can ask them all on the same page. Having to constantly hit next can make it feel neverending. 

Notable questions used: Their ambassador application is actually meant for a few types of potential ambassadors. So one important question they ask is what ambassador position the applicant is most interested in. 

bumble ambassador application 2

They also hit the applicant with a combo question asking ‘why’.

*Why Bumble? What interests you most about our brand, mission, and product? What do you hope to gain from being an ambassador? This question is required.*

And they discuss Bumble’s values and ask how they are incorporated into the applicant’s life. 

*Bumble’s values are kindness, honesty, accountability, inclusivity, and growth— what do those words mean to you and how do you incorporate them into your life? This question is required.*

Overall: We’re pretty impressed by the depth covered in their application. There are 38 questions total, which really isn’t all that many, especially for the type of ambassador they want to find and type of program they are running (one aimed at growth, kindness, accountability, and inclusivity). We give it an A+.

Beba Bean

This is a baby ambassador program aimed at social media savvy parents. Ambassadors will receive products to review and will be sent information about new products each season to get their baby friends (and their parents) excited for what’s to come. 

beba bean brand ambassador application

What’s done well: Their program is very straightforward so they have a condensed page that not only tells more about their program, but allows submissions right from the same page. We like that it’s all laid out and easily accessible – it makes it easy for a busy parent to apply and be on their way. 

What should they improve: Because it is so short, they may receive a huge amount of applicants, and they may not be able to learn that much about the potential ambassador. In this instance, the ambassador is more than just one person, as the responsibility actually falls on the parents. We would have liked to see a few more in-depth questions to really get to know the baby and parent they would be working with. 

Notable questions used: We liked that they were inclusive. They left it open to those who may not even have children. 

*Do you have children? If so, what age and sex? If not, how do you plan to review products?* 

Asking how the family plans on reviewing the products would be good information to know from all applicants. 

beba bean brand ambassador 2

Overall: This is short and sweet. But, being so, it has the potential for a lot of baby ambassador applicants. We’d suggest using a few more customized questions. We give it a solid B.

Sunny Co.

Sunny Co has an ambassador team of 100,000+ and they work towards providing a positive impact worldwide. Sunny Co ambassadors earn a free swimsuit and get other discounts for being part of the team. Their application process is pretty fast – you can expect to hear back as soon as 1-2 days, and the application is also pretty breezy.

sunny co brand ambassador

What’s done well: We like that they kept their application short and sweet – while also asking some really great ‘get to know you’ questions. Plus, the application is really easy to find, as it’s located right on the brand ambassador description page.

What should they improve: Their ambassadors seem to post a lot on social media, but they do not ask for a social profile link on their application. We think this would have been a good thing to ask. 

Notable questions used: We like that they asked some critical thinking questions that aren’t necessarily related to the product. These kinds of questions really help gain an understanding of someone without actually basing judgment on how the person may look. 

*If you could make one change to our world to make it a better place, what would it be*

sunny co brand ambassador 2

Overall: We like the program and the application is pretty on par. However, we are going to knock it down a tiny bit since they don’t ask for an Instagram handle, considering much of the ambassador’s work will revolve around that platform. We give it an A-.

Evy’s Tree

The Evy’s Tree brand makes it clear that they are looking for a brand ambassador who has the same heart and values as their brand, but who isn’t afraid to push the envelope. They encompass love, kindness, compassion, and aren’t afraid to live a little (#doscarythings). The Evy’s Tree ambassador program revolves around social media, and their application follows that script. 

brand ambassador application example

What’s done well: We like seeing shorter applications embedded on the same page as the ambassador description. We also like that the application is very straightforward, but does include a couple in depth questions. They also offer a PDF ambassador packet to download, so applicants can get the whole inside scope before applying.

What should they improve: The entire page is quite long, so you have a lot to scroll through. While on a desktop or laptop, the applicant sees a skinny form – which doesn’t look visually all that appealing. They could consider condensing the application form by using a column layout. But, this is definitely not a deal breaker, and really wouldn’t do much other than change the visual appearance of the page.

Notable questions used: We like that they ask about other work the applicant has done. This can give insight as to whether the applicant understands the scope of ambassador work. Plus, they can learn if the ambassador works well in their niche. 


evy's tree brand ambassador application

Overall: We like it. They offer plenty of information on the ambassador page, and they even offer a download of the ambassador description for applicants to hold on to. The form follows nicely, and asks the perfect amount of questions. We give it a solid A.

Sand Cloud

Anyone who is looking to preserve marine life can become an ambassador for Sand Cloud. Their program is all about giving back while enjoying sustainable products to save the fishies.

Ambassador work will help spread the word about a variety of marine life funds, like the Hawaii Wildlife Fund, Global Penguin Society, Coral Restoration Foundation, and so many more foundations. Plus, 10% of all purchases sitewide go toward these conservation efforts. So ambassadors can guarantee they’ll be making a positive impact for their efforts!

sand cloud brand ambassador application

What’s done well: We like how visually appealing the ambassador page is. The big photo and the form alongside looks really nice. 

What should they improve: We want more! We’d love to know more about the ambassador’s work, the benefits (both for the ambassador and what their efforts can help the world achieve). We would also like to see a few more questions on the form. Perhaps they may ask these questions in a later interview, but to help funnel out the top ambassadors – why not ask a few ahead of time?

Notable questions used: Unfortunately, there isn’t much to the application (at least initially). 

Overall: Even though we can all agree, it looks nice. We need to see more. There isn’t much for the ambassador to fill out. We give it a C+. 

Tiny Little Chef

Anyone who loves some good seasoned food now has the opportunity to promote Tiny Little Chef seasonings. Ambassadors are asked to promote the goods and in return will earn a little cash. Plus, Tiny Little Chef ambassadors will reap the benefits time and time again, as they are sent a new product and recipe ideas to share every month (and can get paid while doing so). 


tiny little chef brand ambassador application form

What’s done well: The ambassador application is linked at the bottom of the ambassador description page. We like that it has its own dedicated space. We also like that they ask about the applicants willingness to perform each of their requested tasks – which makes expectations clear for the applicant.

What should they improve: They ask a few questions that we actually like, but nothing really in-depth. Most are just yes or no answers. We’d like to see a few more open-ended questions that will really let them get to know the ambassador. 

Notable questions used: We like that they incorporate questions about the ambassador’s willingness to participate. These types of questions really help solidify expectations! Also have to give a shout out to their question about past experience. This type of question reassures them of the ambassador’s ability to complete tasks. 

*Do you agree to show an “unboxing” of the new Seasoning that you will receive, free of charge, every month? * 

tiny little chef brand ambassador 2

Overall: The initial form is short and simple. There are not too many questions, nor are there any that scratch more than the surface. We give it a B.

Trendy & Tipsy

The brand ambassador program at Trendy and Tipsy is looking for a girl who is interested in fashion and willing to promote their brand on social media. The program is really focused on heavy social media use, and it’s evident reading through the ambassador description.

trendy and tipsy

What’s done well: Their application is easy to find as it sits right below the ambassador program description. The process of submitting the application is also spelled out nicely. 

What should they improve: Though it’s easy to understand what an applicant should do, the application is rather a list of questions that need to be answered via email. We’d prefer to see an embedded form or even a link to a separate document with these questions to be emailed back. An applicant may lose some of the questions or ignore some questions otherwise.

Notable questions used: They ask a few really great questions. Many of the questions on the application are actually long-form, so they will have a great chance at getting to know their potential brand ambassadors. Question 3 is broken up into multiple sections. They ask the applicant to write an essay that covers 5 specific topics – we think this is awesome!

*Please write a short essay telling us why you would make a great fashion brand ambassador for us, and cover each of the following points…*

trendy and tipsy 2

Overall: We think the program and the ‘application’ questions are great. We’d wish it was executed a little differently, but overall still a pretty good application. We give it a B.

The Great North

This feel-good brand is both cruelty free and gives back to environmental efforts. Any purchase on the site means 10% of the purchase price will be funneled back into the environment. This makes them a great company to work with and share with friends – which makes a Great North ambassador’s job quite easy!


the great north brand ambassador application

What’s done well: We love seeing a simple form right on the same page. It makes finding the application easy, and provides easy insight to the program as the applicant fills out the form. 

What should they improve: They hardly ask any questions, in fact, nothing of substance at all. We’d like to see at least one question that relates to their brand mission. This would help them filter down applicants to better choose who truly aligns with their values. 

the great north brand ambassador application 2

Notable questions used: They really don’t ask for much. We think their application is lacking in this aspect.

Overall: Overall, we love the mission and the program itself. But, the application is really lackluster. We give it a C.

Good American

This brand has blown up on social media platforms due to its inclusivity and body positivity products. They strive to challenge industry norms, giving ambassadors of all types the opportunity to shine. The Good American ambassador program is also open to all genders!

good american brand ambassador application

What’s done well: They start the application right underneath the description. We like that it’s easy to find, and easy to fill out. We also like that they connect your Instagram account (with a 3rd party app) directly to your application. 

What should they improve: You can only apply if you have an Instagram account. This is where most of their promotion does seem to happen, so it makes sense. But, some people may have stronger Tik Tok accounts or stellar profiles on other social networks. So, Good American may miss out on great ambassadors if they are using only Instagram profiles as a filter. 

good american ambassador application 2

Notable questions used: They haven’t included any unique questions on their application. But, we can assume there may be more to the application or process if applicants make it past the initial step. 

Overall: We like that the application is simple and clean. We do have to knock off some points since the second screen of the application requires logging in to Instagram. Asking for just the handle, initially, could be easier, and if they progress – then have the applicant sign in with the additional application. We give it a B+.


There are so many things a brand ambassador application can do for a brand trying to find high-quality ambassadors. If you take the time to really think out your application, you can really help yourself choose qualified applicants. You can sort through and find those who match with your brand and who live by your same brand values. 

To achieve this, you have to remember that an application should include a few ‘personal’ or unique questions mixed in. And once you’ve taken the time to create a quality application, start to promote it! 

Looking for more tips on hiring brand ambassadors (beyond the application)? Check out our guide!

Or, if you’re looking for software to help you create an application, track ambassadors’ efforts, and reward them for their work, check out how Referral Rock can help.