Growth Rate Calculator

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Growth rate FAQs

What is growth rate?

Growth rate definition

Growth rate is the percentage increase (or decrease) of your brand’s growth — usually measured in terms of either new customers or revenue. You can use your recent growth rates to predict how much you stand to grow in the future.

Growth rate formula

We calculate growth rate with this formula:

(Value at end of period – value at start of period) / value at start of period = growth rate as %

K-factor definition

K-factor is also known as the virality rate of your referral program. It measures referrals per member: how many new customers each referring customer brings in on average.

If K-factor is higher than 1, each customer is bringing in rapid, potentially viral growth.

If K-factor is 1, that’s a sign of sustained, steady growth.

If K-factor is higher than 0 but lower than 1, you’re gaining customers, but it’s not one new customer per referral.

K-factor formula

We calculate K-factor with this formula:

Average number of referrals each customer sends X referral conversion rate = K-factor

Benefits of the growth rate calculator

Use the growth rate calculator to easily compare your rate of overall business growth over multiple different periods, or to see specifically how much growth you’ve achieved through a referral program within a given timeframe.

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