Brand Ambassador Programs – Erin’s version

Brand Ambassador PROGRAMS Generate awareness (and referrals!) with brand ambassadors Want to start an invite-only program with customers, employees, business partners, or influencers? See how you can run a brand ambassador referral program with a variety of participants. Book a demo Start for free Join 1,000+ B2B and B2c Companies GROWING REFERRALs with referral rock […]

Affiliate Marketing Programs – Erin’s version

Affiliate + PARTNER Marketing Programs Got affiliates or partners? Give them an amazing experience Take full control of your affiliate program (no marketplaces!) Connect your existing tools for a seamless setup Build multiple incentive structures (e.g. recurring, tiered) Get advanced reporting on affiliate activity and program ROI Book a demo Start for free Join 1,000+ […]

Customer Referral Programs – Erin’s version

CUSTOMER REFERRAL PROGRAMS Launch a referral program your customers will love Embed sharing into your customer lifecycle Offer rewards and incentives that align with your brand Run single- or multi-step programs with automated payouts Connect with your CRM and existing systems for a seamless setup Book a demo Start for free JOIN 1,000+ COMPANIES GROWING […]

Reviews – Case Studies – Testimonials

Customer stories & reviews Join 1000+ B2B and B2C companies growing faster with Referral Rock. See results like: 10% of new customers coming from referrals 83,000 more website visitors 8+ hours of manual work saved each week Book a demo Catapult generated 4,500+ referrals in the first 6 months of launching a staffing referral program […]